Marketing Program & Product Launch Support

Let’s say you are launching an entire new marketing program – perhaps encompassing a set of new campaigns, possibly around a new product, an acquisition, or a new release of internally deployed software. Your need is likely to be for certain critical skills – perhaps project management, or internals-level knowledge of the new software release – rather than simply more staff. Pinpoint can probably provide exactly the type of skill required.

With Program Launch support services, Pinpoint deploys highly skilled consultants or project teams that provide leadership, project management and knowledge transfer to your staff. The impact of the new program on every aspect of your marketing systems and processes is assessed, and an action plan is formulated and executed.

Realbity’s Marketing Program Launch support services address:

Marketing processes – new and revised processes and roles.

Marketing communication channels – delivery functionality and capacity.

Marketing program results measurement – data capture and analysis.

Technical integration – databases, applications and performance.